Travel to and from Utila
and even beyond!

Providing quality air transport between Utila, Roatan, La Ceiba and San Pedro Sula, "TroyBoy" Bodden does it all. Private charters or share one's charter, flying is the fastest way to get from any airport to Utila and vice versa! Fly in confidence with safety certified aircraft with professional pilots.
Founded by Utilian Alice Hill, we don't know how long ago, World Wide Travel is one stop shopping for your travel needs. We have booked literally hundreds of flights for ourselves and our clients over the years, all successfully. World Wide Travel is part of the Saber System, and as such has even booked international flights for us on numerous occasions. Call Alice, Kirina, or Cynia to book local, in country, or international travel with confidence. We do.

Probably the first travel agency on Utila, and founded by the illustrious and much loved Mr. Frank (Morgan), Morgan's Travel is still in the family, still a vital part of Utila's travel scene. With Frankie Jr. now operating the travel agency, as well as his other multiple concerns, he, like his father, is a go-to guy on Utila.

Bush's Travel, operated by Janine Jackson, provides local flights, water tours, walking tours, and good general all 'round information on Utila. Born here, Janine is well respected.